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tv   Cavuto  FOX Business  October 6, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> something smells fishy about the new unemployment numbers. if they can lie about benghazi and fast and various. they can lie about anything. >> the white house crows about jobs but you get them at the pom. i am charles payne. bad news at the pump could be bad for the president. gas stations shutdown and supplies are rationed jumping $0.17 overnight in list of france's says it's a run at a gas so could the recovery. >> you're already getting pinched. people don't have the income they had before.
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is the perfect storm, power added -- outage, refinery problem but anywhere else they could get the gas on the open market. they have a special cocktail the only kind in california. >> that shows you how crazy it is from a still highest unemployment rate and it is up $4.53. >> the gas station owners says he has to buy it at $5 and $0.5. that is what he pays he can only make money to charge $5.55 so he will shutdown. >> somebody said it is the key to the election but now we're back to where we were
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even higher nobody talks about this. where is the disconnect or used to it? >> maybe. i am not used to it i felt the car and i could not believe it. it should be a bigger issue without question. >> what i give somebody 100 and they need more. [laughter] there was a low-budget station $5.69 and he put aside close sorry. it is not our fault. it is someone's do they shoot themselves in the flight? >> a lot of them get mad at the gas station owner he
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explains he is getting squeezed the most to run a business, feed the family with the fluctuating price and may not be able to get the gas and you cannot raise the gas high enough in when you get squeezed. they will not build more refineries, a special blend four "the enquirer" mitt, a special blend into the summer. prices there are higher than hawaii. i don't think that has ever happened. all those special blends get more onerous even though the rest of the country has not asked with the constraints we should try to exploit all full tools -- fossil fuels.
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we have not build a refinery anywhere. a couple of hiccups we could all supper. >> need energy, and to get around we shoot ourselves in the foot to and it just seems crazy. >> this is crazy does not resonate but to me i think people went mainstream actually milk hit a new highway as well today. >> check leon every day. money. what about the white house momentum could be lost because of joe biden obama
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biden want to raise taxes by $1 billion. guess what? yes we do we want to let the $1 trillion tax cut expire so the middle-class does not have to bear the burden. charles: mitt romney does not waste any time. >> is today the president said they do want to raise taxes. i don't want to raise them on any americans. i want to create good jobs. charles: mondex guess says the higher tax rates will lead to higher unemployment rates. with class warfare it does not matter the residual damage they're going with this.
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hoping the public cannot connect the dots? >> it will be interesting hallwood joe biden follows up. $1 trillion tax hike where we want to go. four years ago they told us no tax increases on 81 making less than $250,000. the economy is languishing worse where looking for more tax hikes and four years ago it was zero tax hikes? we have all been hit now we know how the middle-class and people will be affected. obamacare has at least seven pin tax hikes and 30 more on top of that. charles: we discover a couple more every month. [laughter] but i know this bothers you.
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the vice president throws numbers out there that the rich are getting over $1 trillion from view. that never seems out of left field but resonates better they got tired of talking about millionaires and billionaires. >> i am spectacular the perplexed by joseph biden. at least the is consistent. this is simply incorrect if the administration believes by raising taxes we can get ourselves into solvency, he is simply incorrect. mitt romney talking about the tax issues how to back
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out of this situation was awesome. >> i don't know if they believe this helps economically with us verses them redressing the wrongs for those who benefited the most until four years ago. >> we have seen this obama's touting the buffer role with the minimum tax for millionaires that is one-tenth of the spending how will that six anything he has already created? it is the rhetoric joe biden maybe consistent of tax hikes but 1 trillion is tame
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for what they have proposed. simpson bowles was a $5 trillion tax hike 1 trillion is less than they want to see. charles: i don't know what comes next. by embracing. >> next week neil cavuto is live with the vice presidential debate 8:00 p.m. eastern. dear lohan a behind bars for protesting the keystone pipeline but now out of jail and here to explain. a high school girl bullied for wearing the mitt romney t-shirt. follow the wings.
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charles: a philadelphia lead at -- s16 year-old says she publicly humiliated your then called the school democratic. the district says they transferred to another class. the union will not comment for good is another example from the classroom to the mainstream media. this has to be one of the most egregious. >> certainly. she asked the student to leave the classroom and take off her shirt because mitt romney and paul ryan is like wrought -- wearing the kkk shirt. she should not where the republican shirt in the democratic school. she should be fired.
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charles: then she went into the hall and encourage them to be up superbly and mentally? >> she gathered other teachers and students to explain how the shirt is like the kkk. she says she was joking. she has a sick sense of humor or is incredibly and tolerant. she should be fired. charles: all of the above. we have to draw the line. the chicago teachers strike a were making more than the parents say we will not teach them until we get more money. when do the appearance step up? you don't want your child to be bullied by the teachers. >> of course, this teacher
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is the obama's supporter. not surprising he constantly bows to the teacher union thugs and bad teachers are rewarded. if there republican is elected there is school choice. they will be rewarded it on the value they create. that is a threat to to teachers like this. charles: that they will probably come of this? will there be any sort of disciplinary action? >> just then she was transferred to another class room. ridiculous. she needs to be fired. many teachers are looking for a job. we should but one that is better in the classroom.
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charles: ultimately there has to be an uprising from the parents. from the political point* of view with this relationship i don't know loopholes the strings. it does not feel like it will change unless there is the grass roots movement we need to get them out of the teacher union hands. charles: but for them to say this just inappropriate might be offensive. what would you say? >> we need to allow students to have freedom of
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speech. i am sure if a student showed up with the obama/ biden sure to it never would have happened. there against romney and trying to push that. >> so freedom of speech and not the unions may be in a place called america? >> i think so. charles: it better be. we will see assume. not a movie set. real protest. barrel pmi getting her hands dirty and handcuffed. she is fresh ou dry mouth may start off as an irritant. it'll cause cavities, bad breath. patients will try and deal with it by drinking water. water will work for a few seconds
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charles: the keystone pipeline protests that led to jail. eleanor fairchild and there lohan end tried to stop the destruction landing behind bears. -- bars. now "first on fox." why did you do this? a dangerous move. what compelled you? >> i have been following transcanada bullying, threatening and intimidating landowners. american manned owners threatening with lawsuits that they will drive them into bankruptcy. insisting even if they don't they will get their land.
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i decided to support eleanor on her own land. she was charged with trespassing all the landowner's struggling it will endangering our water supply, a food supply export pipeline only with the good for transcanada only. not our benefit. wizened to the transcanada statement. we follow all rules and regulations to get the pipeline approved and wonder why they legal activists prevent thousands of americans for providing for their families by helping to build the the gulf coast project and energy security and provides. a lot are already in existence. the ecological concerns we
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have not heard people dying or poisoning the land so why are you so steadfast in this position? >> first of all, that is not true. 12 spills within the last 12 months of their other pipelines. this is not ordinary crude but tarzan that is very corrosive toxic form of sludge that needs to be heated at 150 degrees to even move it. very dangerous not done to this extent. they put them under natural gas lines inside offer and through the wetland we're not professional activist. i am a citizen.
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i am an actress a landowner. this has opposition across the line. every person has tried to say no. bearable later silenced into cooperating. charles: eleanor, typically when i am afraid i called the authorities. had you called anyone? legislative representative? when have you done through the legal process? >> first of all, my husband was a petroleum engineer for 50 years. i was not against the pipeline at first. it was the line, intimidation that
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transcanada ed did with the landowners they would not play at cheese we could not build a deer road for ipad 90 acres of land on the other side of the pipeline i could not build a deer road across? charles: did you sell them the l.a. and? >> they did it minute domain on the. they by the easement forever it is not there land it is my land and i still pay taxes on it. the part with the pipeline. which i think is crazy. charles: you have a legitimate grievance.
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hollywood stars have gotten involved with the energy debate but some have say this is a godsend creating hundreds of thousands of jobs, north dakota, do say for the greater good of the nation three should do this? >> you are mistaken on the hundreds of thousands of jobs it is 3,000 temporary construction jobs. they just want to make it to the coast to export. there are several lives that have been communicated to the public and one of them is this is crude. she is not with the pipeline because it is crude but it is tarzan's it is corrosive
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and toxic. charles: but they burn it then they liquefy at but eleanor good luck in your fight. people stand up for their property. we wish you the best of luck. all the daryl hannah i am sure we will see again. you are a concerned citizen. meet to ceos who did not take a dime now watching their business climb. maybe it is not a calamity it could force the government to scale back. getting paid to study fish? getting paid to study fish? it is true.we have big dreams.
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charles: it is have time. you get a full throttle by the banks. you build the amount they give you higher fees the little ones did not take a dime. service charge, atm comes from the big banks they collected 31 point* $5 billion of overdraft fees last year. up from 700 million. you do not have to take a bailout. my next guest bank is thriving. gold coast ceo and cardinal ceo. joe, it is amazing how the banks that did not take any money are not threatening the u.s. economy, not killing us with these to the
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most business with regular people. >> absolutely. we have lent over $10 million and a last couple of months or 50 million over the year. we concentrate exclusively on small business. large bank is not there main focus. charles: it remember you could look at him in the eye. you have known him 15 years but you know that he is good for it. is it that kind or do you still have a process? >> it is a little different now. [laughter] we do have a process but you do not necessarily approve but small business can come in to talk to the president
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of the bank and in 30 minutes i will give them an indication of their loan. charles: you also are having extraordinary success. why are you so successful? >> we are relationship focused most of the time the banks would get the transactions vs. relationships. we will work with the owner then we have the bank at work program. we have deposit officers to work with the individual employees. pricing comes down with a relationship as opposed to a transaction. we have had double-digit loan growth for the last
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four or five years and it rips me apart when i hear banks will not lend money and we've do double-digit loan growth. weird little bit larger but that means even more money. charles: two weeks ago bankamerica says cutout mortgage operations, layoffs 16,000 and it baffles the mind. do have any resentment they could step up and access the taxpayer money? is there any resentment at all? >> no. please put my phone number of for those good loan officers that will be laid off. [laughter] we actively hiring.
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>> i agree with that when the world was falling apart there is really only six banks but everyone said they go under we all go under but could they have stepped in to fill the breach? >> some of the larger banks would pick up a larger company is. then we focus on small business we have a lot of money to lend. we would have stepped up for that. we could add of picked up the slack but it would have worked. charles: i hope people
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remember this next time. they're scary and in trouble but guys like you keep america running. america running. we appreciate you coming ally bank. america running. we appreciate you coming why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent.
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nobel laureate in economics, and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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charles: after defaulting twice and asking the treasury for more than $11 billion cash-strapped post office has a plan to spend more money does not have. with a $15,000 buyout to the full time you did workers. this is another example of clueless government. is the check in the mail?
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[laughter] it has been in the mail for some time. with the use of their government monopolies are on the verge of collapse. and with them and dredging themselves with the first class mail that has gone out is the second and biggest employer behind wal-mart. this should be cut back but the cost goes up and the service goes down. charles: and those that have a post office are it is an american is it salvageable?
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>> it would not take much. we have an administration and so many european countries will lead zero were partially privatized there post office. is the lead is a great example. like now it is like fannie and freddie like to the taxpayer as well. charles: to make a bid for the post office but to are really talking about the unions and their power they would probably block
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something like that. >> is as if the steelworkers and eddie and industry the unions have taken control to give the government monopoly. postal rates have gone up and service has gone down. meanwhile a company like apple the cost goes down and the quality goes up and taxpayers are not affected. >> realistically 11 billion outrages. is this another boondoggle people argue the post office does not get many would you connect the dots enough time
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>> it is dead government monopoly and will drag on with the notion of what will happen to the workers for the small towns with that sensibility for anyone in the dead of course, they will compound we need to return to a capitalist society that should be privately run by leading nobody's rights. charles: after this interview if there was a check coming in the mail it is not coming. [laughter] if they send you a check to bad one year ago today steve jobs passed away and apple is not getting a pass to the
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guy who wrote the book do not be fooled that happened not be fooled that happened under steve jobs. [ male announcer ] this is the age of knowing what you're made of. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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charles: one year ago today steve jobs died. apple has been under larger microscope. and most recently slam for problems with the apple maps apps. people say there were problems under steve jobs as
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well but people did not care. he got the benefit of the doubt. i remember a metric was off but somehow he got the benefit of the doubt. maybe that was initially but not anymore? >> i would add to that. steve jobs created the benefit of the doubt a distortion field the uncanny ability to focus on what he wanted us to apple had them that the mail service in the and 10 dead didn't work steve jobs had the temerity to say people are not using
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it correctly but he got us to focus elsewhere was smoke they smaller it is more important now. >> now apple has apologized and people are saying maybe that was a mistake. i find it extremely difficult to criticize tim cook to have the courage and the class to apologize for a problem. i and stand the criticism. to operate a much more erred global scale than apple ever has. i can only applaud the ceo
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to save the have screwed up go use the competitor's product until then it is a good thing. charles: you watch the stock. late the it looks funny. everybody has a $900,000 target and it seems will verbal is that this 96 street is ready to step away? maybe it is too high to clear the hurdle? >> on a five day zero or 15 day format after the last earning report it was the afghan people were negative because they slight lead list revenue estimates then the stock started to creep up as people anticipated the
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success said the stock was way higher. wall street always acts by the which is relatively inexpensive. in terms of behavior that is your expertise. charles: to have the swagger will they make that transition from what everybody had to adopt to a more humble company. to the those people are prepared to make that transition of the? >> a great question. we know they are humble from this apology. with the issue of the dividend.
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steve cook said to investors , i respect the fact of the dividend i don't know what to do with $118 billion. can they do that to? there is still plenty of swagger inside. but can they be bipolar? charles: you are the man. including apple. i will tell you why next the fiscal cliff could cost government jobs.
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......ment jobs.
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but to reduce government spending and the amount and they're talking about, the amount congress if should pass any way with part of the budget control act. it is split between defense and non-defense fell the 3% of spending. is nothing. >> this does not go far enough? >> no. and the budget with spending cuts and paul ryan's cuts is only 10% of spending. $400 billion per year named as duplication and overlap from senator sessions and senator kohlberg 10 percent
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most have done that to say business. >> is there a political appetite on either side? they had a presidential debate. the fiscal cliff was not even brought up. who has the will to say this is not draconian the? >> the republican house proposed a budget of even more spending cuts and what chairmen ryan proposed. >> hugo year-round the say i have a plan in hand. take of buzz saw to it. fayyad of great plant corporations put more into the welfare fund but then they say higher taxes across the board is there the
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political will? >> they have to. otherwise it will be the future consequences medicated zinn trouble, the smaller items are so easy 26 different agencies the government is going broke why do they tell us how to balance the checkbook? >> you have been on top of this if we cannot do it your point* we can't we appreciate you. but this topic is not going away. >> along list of spending cuts fox


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